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About PE classes

        Your child has Physical Education on an every other day rotation. They will not change for class, so be sure that your child wears sneakers and clothes that can easily be moved in.  They need to take off all jewelry for safety reasons, so if it’s something you don’t want lost or stolen, please have them keep it home on Phys. Ed. days.

            We will be doing a variety of units/activities from traditional to non-traditional activities throughout the year.  Your child will be graded on participation/effort, skills, and written assessment.  On the HCSD website we each have a webpage with information about our classes, ourselves, and opportunities for being physically active in the community. 

            Physical Education is an important component in your child’s development, and we want them to have enjoyment and success in our class.

    Each class will consist of a warm-up fitness type of activity, skill lesson of the day and a game like activity.